Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Making Choices with Interactive Musical Video

   The underlying principle for how I choose or create games and activities is:
I pick/create some activity that has a lot of predictability about it (this is the hook that snags the attention of a child with autism) and then teach a single concept by varying some aspect of the activity.  
In addition, I am always looking for a sensory payoff for the child to make the activity interesting--some cool experience involving one or more of the senses:  visual, auditory, tactile, balance, pressure (think Temple Grandin's Squeeze Machine), taste, smell (theoretical since I don't use this).

So here is an interactive music video which has a great auditory and visual payoff but varies depending upon the choice that the audience makes.  How cool is that?

Keep Your Head Up Interactive Video

Use it to teach:
  1. making different choices (cognitive flexibility)
  2. story telling
  3. predicting
  4. reading
  5. writing (make your own script with different branches)


kristensen said...

I loved being able to make different choices in this video.

Rethink Kent said...

Wow what a fun video!

Just wanted to let you know that I really love your autism games site! Video models of all those different games! Its a great resource for parents and professionals who work with children on the spectrum! We also do video modeling, but of ABA lessons.

Sad to see you've taken the summer off, but boy do I know how it goes- no pressure, just letting you know your blog is enjoyed :)

If you ever want to chat or need additional resources, stop by our facebook & say hello http://fb.me/rethinkautism we believe in supporting awareness and progress in the autism community. :)

iphone ipod said...

: )Sad to see you've taken the summer off, but boy do I know how it goes- no pressure, just letting you know your blog is enjoyed :)