Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Video Model for Dentist Visit

Here is a wonderful video model that one mother made for her son, Wade, so that he could understand going to the dentist better:

Thank-you, Kim for sending this in and sharing it with other families.

We have a new goal, here in Duluth, Minnesota, to get local dentists and pediatricians and hair salons (perhaps others) to let us make video models for children introducing offices and procedures. We intend to post them online and make them available to young children so that going to these places is not so scary. I will update readers here on how this project is going, but it is exciting isn't it? Showing a child a video of what happens in various locations before the child goes makes a world of difference to the well-being of that child. If any readers have made video clips for this purpose and want to share them, let me know.


Mary said...

That is a great video and what a good goal to have about getting local dentists and pediatricians to let you make video models for children introducing offices and procedures. There are great social scripts created by Fraser on their website that help children with autism, who may be confused by social situations and have difficulty managing their feelings. The website takes you to the product page to read more about them. Hope this helps!

Tahirih said...

Thanks Mary, I will go check this out!